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Start your review of The Dukan Diet: 2 Steps To Lose The Weight, 2 Steps To Keep It Off Forever
will probably throw away every other diet book I own because of this! down 32lbs in 8 weeks! I'd say that it works quite well!! first 3 days are tough, after that it gets easy and is amazing. Seriously changed my eating style! will probably throw away every other diet book I own because of this! down 32lbs in 8 weeks! I'd say that it works quite well!! first 3 days are tough, after that it gets easy and is amazing. Seriously changed my eating style! ...more
I may be getting ahead of myself, but so far I'm giving this book 4 stars. I'll change my review once I get started/finish (fingers crossed) the diet.

Basically, this is just a new spin on the Atkins Diet and The South Beach Diet, The South Beach Diet Supercharged: Faster Weight Loss and Better Health for Life . Now, I know what you're saying: "But Brittany, you didn't lose a pound on South Beach and hated it." I know, I know. But for some reason this French dude has got me all fired up about lo

I may be getting ahead of myself, but so far I'm giving this book 4 stars. I'll change my review once I get started/finish (fingers crossed) the diet.

Basically, this is just a new spin on the Atkins Diet and The South Beach Diet, The South Beach Diet Supercharged: Faster Weight Loss and Better Health for Life . Now, I know what you're saying: "But Brittany, you didn't lose a pound on South Beach and hated it." I know, I know. But for some reason this French dude has got me all fired up about losing weight, and I think that is a feat in and of itself. Okay, maybe it's not Dr. Dukan, but Kate Middleton who has me all jacked up (she allegedly did this diet before the big... I mean epic... day when she married that prince guy from England who I heard is going to be king... and this got her to her teeny, tiny, anorexic proportions).

So, now I'm going to give you a book review, a.k.a., my personal weight loss saga. As I stated earlier, South Beach didn't work, even though I followed it as prescribed. My weight remained stagnant. I also read that Skinny Bitch book, Skinny Bitch: A No-Nonsense, Tough-Love Guide for Savvy Girls Who Want to Stop Eating Crap and Start Looking Fabulous! , where those f***ing b****es scared the s*** out of me and I decided to be a f***ing vegan, in which nothing satisfied me and I actually gained weight eating vegetables and fake f***ing cheese. And then there was Bethenny Frankel with Naturally Thin, Naturally Thin: Unleash Your SkinnyGirl and Free Yourself from a Lifetime of Dieting . Ah, sweet, intelligent, funny, skinny, perfect (not to mention, rich) Bethenny. If I could be anyone in the world, it would be her. Again, I read her on my vegan kick, which she supports, but says you should eat what you want... within reason. Her theory was that you can eat anything you want, as long as you only take a few bites. Basically, it's the "everything in moderation" diet. Okay, that is clearly logical... except I'm reading this book because I get high from shoveling mass quantities of food in my mouth. So I succumbed to the fact that I will never, ever, be Bethenny Frankel. And don't even talk to me about The Little Black Dress Diet, The Little Black Dress Diet .

Now comes Dr. Pierre Dukan. He seems like such a sweet, nerdy man, which is weird because he's French and I thought those guys were notorious for being American hating a**holes. Just like the South Beach book, he seems to back up all of his claims with science, such as protein is more filling and it takes more calories to digest it; carbs, sugars and fats are exactly the opposite in that they are less filling, high in calories, and take less effort to digest; yada, yada, yada. He also makes you feel like it's not your fault for being fat, which is nice, but I think that is what got me here in the first place. Overall it is a four phase, high protein, low fat, low carb, low sugar diet where 20 to 60 minutes of walking a day is prescribed. Obviously, the book goes into more detail, but I don't want to cross the line into copyright infringement by giving away all the secrets. Of course, the whole time I was reading it, just as with every other diet book, I was nodding my head, saying to myself "OMG, I totally get that!"

So, I'm starting this coming Monday, and if I have any success, or, God forbid, failure, I'll let you know!

Katie Mcsweeney
Edit...Week 1: down 7lbs, week 2: down 8lbs by week 7 down 33lbs in total and it's still EASY! [Edit: in 5 months i lost 53lbs and i have kept it off for the last four months eating a very normaldeit]
Well it has me on a diet again for the first time in ages so it gives you the impetus to start at least. It gives you an ABSOLUTE plan... there is no confusion about what you can have and what you can't and as you eat as much protein as you want you must decide for yourself what a portion is. I know
Edit...Week 1: down 7lbs, week 2: down 8lbs by week 7 down 33lbs in total and it's still EASY! [Edit: in 5 months i lost 53lbs and i have kept it off for the last four months eating a very normaldeit]
Well it has me on a diet again for the first time in ages so it gives you the impetus to start at least. It gives you an ABSOLUTE plan... there is no confusion about what you can have and what you can't and as you eat as much protein as you want you must decide for yourself what a portion is. I know that sounds like it could be dangerous but trust me... you won't overeat chicken backed without any fat. You'll have a big portion but then your sick of it :)

My problems with the book are that you kinda have to under-eat during the Attack phase (I only ate around 850 calories yesterday), the food is quite boring and it encourages you to use artificial sweetener in lots of recipes.

My favourite bits... its easy, straight forward and you can feel it working from the begining.

I have been on this diet for about 1.5-2 months now and it has worked wonders for me. Sometimes all it takes is seeing one photo of yourself to realize that something has to change. The result of this was purchasing this book after a colleague recommended it to me. I already have lost 15lbs and am losing more and more by the week.

I used to be pretty much a slave to food. My problem has always been portion control, and a pesky sweet tooth. This book is well written, clearly and simply outlines re

I have been on this diet for about 1.5-2 months now and it has worked wonders for me. Sometimes all it takes is seeing one photo of yourself to realize that something has to change. The result of this was purchasing this book after a colleague recommended it to me. I already have lost 15lbs and am losing more and more by the week.

I used to be pretty much a slave to food. My problem has always been portion control, and a pesky sweet tooth. This book is well written, clearly and simply outlines requirements and the "how to" of the diet in a non patronizing way.

I have learned a new way of cooking my food and a lot about my body and healthy eating. Some days I feel like I have a new lease on life. I have more energy to do things like play tennis on a regular basis, take my dog for longer walks etc, my skin has completely cleared up and the best thing is that my confidence, which has been relatively non existent for years is starting to peek it's head out again. Many people complain that the diet is very restrictive - but it is what you make it. I have made many wonderful and fulfilling dishes since starting (example: the amazing turkey pumpkin chili i made last night, chocolate cookie before bed everyday). Food no longer controls me, which is the most liberating feeling. Many of the people who feel they cannot do this diet - or that it's far too restrictive, only focus on the first two stages, without completely understanding that those are a means to an end, and that in 3rd and 4th stages, more food is reintroduced to your diet and you are left eating relatively normally again.

The reason why I gave the book 4 stars instead of 5 was because I noted a number of inconsistencies. For example, the book says I can have lean cuts of pork, but on the website it says that no pork is allowed. Since the diet is fairly new, I am sure these are all kinks which will eventually work themselves out.

Feb 05, 2019 rated it it was ok
Yeah, I gave up on this one. Every diet seems to be based on (insert your least favorite food group) is bad and some other one is a great basis for losing weight and staying healthy. Here, Proteins are Hero. Other food groups suck. The thing is, I have anemia and am constantly on medication, therefore I need to have a diverse diet. The tone of the book is very patronizing and stiff. I'm not idiotic! My weight went up over the past year because a) my health issues and b) I ate lots of fast food, Yeah, I gave up on this one. Every diet seems to be based on (insert your least favorite food group) is bad and some other one is a great basis for losing weight and staying healthy. Here, Proteins are Hero. Other food groups suck. The thing is, I have anemia and am constantly on medication, therefore I need to have a diverse diet. The tone of the book is very patronizing and stiff. I'm not idiotic! My weight went up over the past year because a) my health issues and b) I ate lots of fast food, snacks and generally fatty food plus I zero exercised. Eating proteins and only select few vegetables cannot be healthy and I'm throwing this crapbook away. Maybe it could work for some people, don't know. I lost 2 kg in ten days by stopping eating shitty food and starting to work out. If my state doesn't approve, gonna go to my physician and stay away from books like these. ...more
Ken Montville
I'm gonna call this a four out of five not because of the writing style but because of the plan and the explanation of why it works.

I've been through Weight Watchers and more and nothing seems to work. This plan seems to have some validity. It has a definite framework that moves from one Phase through another to the point you can, once again, eat anything you want. Of course, if you follow the diet to the letter you probably won't have the same unhealthy eating habits you had when you started.


I'm gonna call this a four out of five not because of the writing style but because of the plan and the explanation of why it works.

I've been through Weight Watchers and more and nothing seems to work. This plan seems to have some validity. It has a definite framework that moves from one Phase through another to the point you can, once again, eat anything you want. Of course, if you follow the diet to the letter you probably won't have the same unhealthy eating habits you had when you started.

The one thing that stands out to me in this book and the plan, in general, is that the Diet is very strict. If you are in one Phase or another, you must, without any deviation, stick to the foods n that Phase. Pierre Dukan's writing style is very authoritarian and didactic. He makes no pretense of trying to coddle you and suggest that if you fall off the wagon that "it's ok" and you can just start over tomorrow. There is no "falling off the wagon" of you want to follow this diet and be successful.

In fact, it was the tone of the authoritarian father figure that started to get under my skin in a few places. Dr. Dukan seems to think that people who have had trouble taking off weight with other diets or with simply counting calories need a very strong (some may call it rigid) structure and explicit direction. He's probably right.

What I liked about the diet, though, is that you can eat unlimited amounts of food within the category of the Phase you're in. I just have to get imaginative about how to do that. The little snacks like candy and ice cream and cake and cookies will no longer be available.

The book has a good amount of recipes in the back and there are supplemental cookbooks you can buy as well as branded food.

In fact, the author directs you to his website and diet coaching program for most of the last 50 pages of the book. The website is the only place to find your True Weight using his proprietary formula based on your personal history. All this, I'm sure, is a way to make more money. The branded foods, the coaching, the website.

Still, it's a good book that can provide a clear and unmistakable path to weight loss as well as provide logical and understandable explanations for why it works.

Liza C
This is another diet based on the low-carb idea, very much like the South Beach diet but with a few days of "pure protein" (no veggies or anything but protein) for a few days during the "Attack" phase. Having done two weeks of the South Beach diet, and watching the pounds actually really truly MELT AWAY, I've no doubt that this diet works, too. But like all diets, it still really takes a lot of willpower. Sure, you get to eat unlimited amounts of the foods on the approved lists, but really, how This is another diet based on the low-carb idea, very much like the South Beach diet but with a few days of "pure protein" (no veggies or anything but protein) for a few days during the "Attack" phase. Having done two weeks of the South Beach diet, and watching the pounds actually really truly MELT AWAY, I've no doubt that this diet works, too. But like all diets, it still really takes a lot of willpower. Sure, you get to eat unlimited amounts of the foods on the approved lists, but really, how many slices of grilled chicken can you stand before you long for a hunk of bread? Or green beans for that matter?

All that said, I actually do want to try it. What this diet DOES do, better than most of the others I've read about, is offer a solution to what to do AFTER all the pounds come off. Having been at that stage, too, it really is actually a letdown when no one is constantly exclaiming how great you look anymore. Your thinness and health become commonplace, and it's hard to keep that motivation going despite the fact that you're at your best weight, at last. It's weird but true! So, I like that this is a 'forever' diet. It hammers home that, if you really do want to stay at a healthy weight you really do have to stick with it FOREVER. Most people can't handle that truth.

A great load of info on an easy diet. I am following the diet as I read it. I like that I don't have to count caleries or points. A great load of info on an easy diet. I am following the diet as I read it. I like that I don't have to count caleries or points. ...more
Gaye Hill
I was about to order more uniform for work and was a size 18 then thinking I need a size 20. Yeah that was not doing to happen as my boss was male, young and very understanding, but no way was I going to do that. So I thought about Weight Watcher, Atkins, Jenny Craig back then and while these worked, temporarily and still needed considerable amounts of exercise, then the weight did not stay off. So I searched the internet and with the advice of some peeps in the office, I found The Dukan Diet, I I was about to order more uniform for work and was a size 18 then thinking I need a size 20. Yeah that was not doing to happen as my boss was male, young and very understanding, but no way was I going to do that. So I thought about Weight Watcher, Atkins, Jenny Craig back then and while these worked, temporarily and still needed considerable amounts of exercise, then the weight did not stay off. So I searched the internet and with the advice of some peeps in the office, I found The Dukan Diet, I read this book from start to finish in less than 2 days (and I don't read quickly) and loved every word of his patient reference stories and how honest he was about Fats, Sugars, Carbs and Starchy Carbs . I start the diet on the 29/6/12 at 92kg in the first week I lost 8kg (everyone will be different here Zi did do 7 days of Attack Phase 1) and each week after a minimum of 1kg and occasionally 1.5 to 2kg. Before I new it my energy was coming back and Zi wanted to burn it, my smile and the compliments from friend, family, staff and the best thing if all my customers no longer said I was the fat lady who visited. In 16 weeks I was 65kg a whopping 27kg LESS (which was less than my true weight calculator which was 69.4kg. I have maintained now for nearly 8 years with an average weight of 70kg keeping in mind menopause and stress (the good thing is you can reset yourself real quick and get back to it). So good luck because it works and it does not take away all the food groups, it is simply a complete FOOD MINDFULNESS RESET, nothing more, as all food groups are re introduced slowly and gradually back into you new lifestyle eating plan. But this time you have had time to learn about what foods you need verses what you want. Is it more of a treat as opposed to a daily choice? I will leave you with that to ponder :) ...more
Lisa Fangman
I have read and still own, a ton of diet books. I have also been dieting off and on for more than 30 years. This book covers new ground, has a new philosophy, and it is written very concisely. I love that it includes even a phase 4 for lifetime maintenance. The 3rd phase (after you reach your target) is the most intriguing to me. 5 days for every pound you lost to hopefully reset your body. I am great at losing weight...terrible at keeping it off. This book gives me hope. I am still in phase 2 b I have read and still own, a ton of diet books. I have also been dieting off and on for more than 30 years. This book covers new ground, has a new philosophy, and it is written very concisely. I love that it includes even a phase 4 for lifetime maintenance. The 3rd phase (after you reach your target) is the most intriguing to me. 5 days for every pound you lost to hopefully reset your body. I am great at losing weight...terrible at keeping it off. This book gives me hope. I am still in phase 2 but loving the results so far. ...more
Christina Ayyash
While I will not be following this diet I did appreciate the other aspects of weight control included in the book.

A new perspective on exercise, the difference between ideal weight and desired weight & also a person's individual history with dieting.

While I will not be following this diet I did appreciate the other aspects of weight control included in the book.

A new perspective on exercise, the difference between ideal weight and desired weight & also a person's individual history with dieting.

Linda Griffin
Jun 22, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Good, practical information to help you develop a game plan for losing weight.
Jan 14, 2020 rated it liked it
Did not make much of an impression, but then again, what diet book does. I read it fast, so nothing memorable
I just flipped through this book to get some ideas. I don't follow the diet strictly though. I just flipped through this book to get some ideas. I don't follow the diet strictly though. ...more
Juliana Haught
A few years ago I suddenly put on about 8 pounds (I went to the doctor - no health problem, just metabolism slowing with age), and then it's been ever so gradually creeping up. I got to the point that I needed to either lose weight so my clothes were comfortable, or gain some more to go up to the next size and have it not be loose. I had decided I wanted to lose about 7-10 pounds, but I am not interested in diets, because I love food too much, and because I know that diets work only as long as y A few years ago I suddenly put on about 8 pounds (I went to the doctor - no health problem, just metabolism slowing with age), and then it's been ever so gradually creeping up. I got to the point that I needed to either lose weight so my clothes were comfortable, or gain some more to go up to the next size and have it not be loose. I had decided I wanted to lose about 7-10 pounds, but I am not interested in diets, because I love food too much, and because I know that diets work only as long as you're on them, and then once you eat normally again, the weight goes back on. I decided to read this book, because I've heard that in the end it promotes a healthy eating lifestyle that is sustainable. Also, there's a website where you can go to figure your "real" healthy weight (I think having a realistic idea of what your healthy weight should be is useful for setting a goal) - I did that, and my ideal weight is actually a few pounds more than I thought it would be. Huh.

I recommend reading this book all the way through. Dr. Dukan is essentially advocating the classic, eat right, get some exercise lifestyle, but this diet is a way for people to transition from whatever they're currently doing, to something pretty healthy and sustainable. I say read the whole book, because Dr. Dukan explains why he's structured things the way he has, why diets fail, how to re-set your body, and he has lots of ways to adjust the diet to make it easier to follow or to bust through a "plateau" if you're trying to lose a lot of weight and are feeling discouraged, and also for various specific situations (quitting smoking, adolescence, pregnancy, post-partum, peri-menopause, pre-menopause) - I think this doctor is sincere in his efforts to give a realistic change in people's lives. He talks about the pitfalls that crop up when trying to diet, and incorporates what he's learned about the body's survival/craving mechanisms, and the emotional component inherent with eating.

The first phase of the diet is a rapid weight loss phase to generate enthusiasm and a "reward", the second phase is a slower weight loss phase that reintroduces vegetables. The third phase is about eating normal food (though still very structured) while letting your body adjust to its new weight instead of freaking out and making you crave all the stuff that puts the pounds back on, and the final phase is for life, basically eating whatever you want, with one day a week with only lean protein, and keeping moderate exercise in your daily routine. He's pretty open that to maintain your "true weight", you have to let things like desserts, alcohol, and other rich foods be occasional things in your life, not daily fare.

All in all, I think this is well-written, and very very interesting.

Dec 10, 2018 rated it really liked it

Good reading for diet materials, menu, and grocery list. Interesting materials, articles, and facts by physician. Let's put to use and see the results.


Good reading for diet materials, menu, and grocery list. Interesting materials, articles, and facts by physician. Let's put to use and see the results.

Robert Beveridge
Pierre Dukan, The Dukan Diet (Crown, 2000)

Not a great deal here you haven't read before, but like most modified-Atkins plans, it's got some interesting ideas, focuses more on exercise than Atkins does, and looks at a more realistic long-term solution. May be difficult for some Americans to adapt to the exercise portion (in most of the office buildings where I've worked for the past couple of decades, the fire stairs, which would be necessary for Dukan's exercise concepts, are sealed unless there

Pierre Dukan, The Dukan Diet (Crown, 2000)

Not a great deal here you haven't read before, but like most modified-Atkins plans, it's got some interesting ideas, focuses more on exercise than Atkins does, and looks at a more realistic long-term solution. May be difficult for some Americans to adapt to the exercise portion (in most of the office buildings where I've worked for the past couple of decades, the fire stairs, which would be necessary for Dukan's exercise concepts, are sealed unless there's an actual fire/fire drill going on), but that can be worked around. Worth checking out if you like the low-carb idea but have always been a little put off by the Atkins "everything goes better with bacon" attitude. Though be warned, Dukan's attitude is "everything goes better with oat bran." *** ½

The diet itself is not as drastic as I had previously assumed, and I was pleasantly surprised to see the author included vegetarian options, though he was quick to stress the results will not be as fast as a true protein diet would offer. A relative has seen moderate weight loss using the techniques within the book, but I found myself unable to give above 2 stars for the book itself as it was rather poorly written.

The author relies on repetition, a causal writing style, and a profound lack of d

The diet itself is not as drastic as I had previously assumed, and I was pleasantly surprised to see the author included vegetarian options, though he was quick to stress the results will not be as fast as a true protein diet would offer. A relative has seen moderate weight loss using the techniques within the book, but I found myself unable to give above 2 stars for the book itself as it was rather poorly written.

The author relies on repetition, a causal writing style, and a profound lack of data & external studies cited to back medical claims. The end result is a fast, informal read, not the sort of holy nutritional grail I'd feel confident devoting the next six months of my life following. I'm curious to see how the french version compares, both in tone and medical citations.

This is definately another "fad" diet rather than an actual lifestyle change. Like others have said its very similar to the Atkins Diet, which in turn is similar to the South Beach Diet. I do like how after you've achieved your "true weight" all you have to do to maintain it is eat all proteins just one day a week for life (Thursdays to be exact). Of course I would rather recommend the heathier option of eating healthy foods and exercising regularaly, but since this promises fast results (and is This is definately another "fad" diet rather than an actual lifestyle change. Like others have said its very similar to the Atkins Diet, which in turn is similar to the South Beach Diet. I do like how after you've achieved your "true weight" all you have to do to maintain it is eat all proteins just one day a week for life (Thursdays to be exact). Of course I would rather recommend the heathier option of eating healthy foods and exercising regularaly, but since this promises fast results (and is unofically endoursed by the Duchess of Cambridge) I can see why people are jumping all over it! ...more
I certainly liked this book and what it has to offer. I cannot understand why some people felt the need to post reviews when they so obviously did not finish reading all of the material, but everyone is entitled to an opinion.

I will use this book and the website tie in to set me on my path to losing weight and keeping it off. The book is clear and specific about what generally needs to be done to lose weight, and I truly believe that anyone who follows this plan is certain to achieve some level

I certainly liked this book and what it has to offer. I cannot understand why some people felt the need to post reviews when they so obviously did not finish reading all of the material, but everyone is entitled to an opinion.

I will use this book and the website tie in to set me on my path to losing weight and keeping it off. The book is clear and specific about what generally needs to be done to lose weight, and I truly believe that anyone who follows this plan is certain to achieve some level of success.

I've already lost 5 pounds in 3 days, so I'd say it deserves 5 stars. AMAZING DIET. Just takes willpower and self control.*

*Addendum: You will note that my review went from 5 stars to 1. That is because I felt my life slipping away from me with the pounds. My mood was terrible; I got no fulfilling meals EVER and I finally realized nothing was worth the torture that is the Dukan Diet. Nothing. Pass the carbs.

I've already lost 5 pounds in 3 days, so I'd say it deserves 5 stars. AMAZING DIET. Just takes willpower and self control.*

*Addendum: You will note that my review went from 5 stars to 1. That is because I felt my life slipping away from me with the pounds. My mood was terrible; I got no fulfilling meals EVER and I finally realized nothing was worth the torture that is the Dukan Diet. Nothing. Pass the carbs.

I am sure that in 1972 when Robert Atkins published his findings in regard to high protein, no carb diets, he could not have predicted the number of people who would paraphrase, "rediscover", regurgitate, and basically reprint and claim credit for this diet for decades to come. Atkins himself probably discovered the diet written in hieroglyphics inside a pyramid. Here is is again folks. If you can Dukan, more power to you. I am sure that in 1972 when Robert Atkins published his findings in regard to high protein, no carb diets, he could not have predicted the number of people who would paraphrase, "rediscover", regurgitate, and basically reprint and claim credit for this diet for decades to come. Atkins himself probably discovered the diet written in hieroglyphics inside a pyramid. Here is is again folks. If you can Dukan, more power to you. ...more
It is silly to review a diet book unless you do the diet. If I ever attempt this diet I will come back and rereview this book. It is a modified Atkins diet with the modifications established to make it more enjoyable, easier to follow and more sustainable. I hope that it works because the best reviews come from those that were succesful and the poor reviews seem to come from those that consider themselves vegetarians or violated by diet soda consumption.
I didn't finish the book and I'm not wasting my time. I'm sure this diet will work for some, but I can't handle diets that restrict what I eat (like nothing but protein for a certain amount of time). I'm an "all things in moderation" type girl, and I'm not sure what I was looking for in the Dukan diet. All I know is that I didn't find any miracle or secret, just a bunch of can's and can not's. I didn't finish the book and I'm not wasting my time. I'm sure this diet will work for some, but I can't handle diets that restrict what I eat (like nothing but protein for a certain amount of time). I'm an "all things in moderation" type girl, and I'm not sure what I was looking for in the Dukan diet. All I know is that I didn't find any miracle or secret, just a bunch of can's and can not's. ...more
I cannot and refuse to follow this insane diet. To only eat proteins for a week and then 4-6 months of proteins and vegetables just doesn't sound healthy to me. It's not realistic and/or achievable. I did give the book 2 stars, because the author was clear and concise in his explanations. He just has a horrendous thought process. I cannot and refuse to follow this insane diet. To only eat proteins for a week and then 4-6 months of proteins and vegetables just doesn't sound healthy to me. It's not realistic and/or achievable. I did give the book 2 stars, because the author was clear and concise in his explanations. He just has a horrendous thought process. ...more
I'll have to update this after I've followed the diet but I've read the book. It looks to be based on sound principles and it looks doable. I love that it doesn't require me to buy any crazy foods. I am starting the Attack Phase today (4/21/12). I'll admit, I just picked it up because I read it was the diet Kate Middleton used. I'll have to update this after I've followed the diet but I've read the book. It looks to be based on sound principles and it looks doable. I love that it doesn't require me to buy any crazy foods. I am starting the Attack Phase today (4/21/12). I'll admit, I just picked it up because I read it was the diet Kate Middleton used. ...more
Basically a high protein diet with veges... And, long term he adds in fruit. The only difference from the long term Adkins plan is that he requires that you eat only protein one day a week for the rest of your life. I saw this book mentioned in a magazine and I just wanted to see what the diet was about but honestly could not eat like that for the rest of my life.
Ashfaq Ahmed
It is my personal experience that diet rich in protein build up strong healty body and help remove extra fat. I think this is good start by Pierre Dukan but I feel a vigorous emprical research is needed not only to establish concepts forwarded by Pierre but also to alleviate any doubt about ill effects,
I never tried anything like this before and thought I'd give it a go out of curiosity. I'm on day 2 of the attack phase and no noticeable difference yet. I'll let you know...As for the book itself, I'm half way through and the book is very readable and clear. The author repeats himself a lot but that's because the plan itself it pretty straight forward, and that's a good thing. I never tried anything like this before and thought I'd give it a go out of curiosity. I'm on day 2 of the attack phase and no noticeable difference yet. I'll let you know...As for the book itself, I'm half way through and the book is very readable and clear. The author repeats himself a lot but that's because the plan itself it pretty straight forward, and that's a good thing. ...more
Leeann Layne
LIFE-CHANGING!!! This book began a weight loss journey which has covered decades. This is the first time I have felt as if I can succeed in reaching my weight loss and health goals. it delivers exactly what it promises. I feel satisfied without cravings! I have been on the diet for 14 days & have lost 17 lb. I can't thank Dr. Dukan enough for giving me hope again!!! LIFE-CHANGING!!! This book began a weight loss journey which has covered decades. This is the first time I have felt as if I can succeed in reaching my weight loss and health goals. it delivers exactly what it promises. I feel satisfied without cravings! I have been on the diet for 14 days & have lost 17 lb. I can't thank Dr. Dukan enough for giving me hope again!!! ...more

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Pierre Dukan is a French medical doctor and nutritionist, and the creator of the famous Dukan Diet.

In 1975, Pierre Dukan is a general practitioner in Paris when he was first confronted with a case of obesity. At the time, being overweight or obese was thought to be best treated by low calorie and small sized meals. Dukan thought of an alternative way to prevent patients from regaining their lost w

Pierre Dukan is a French medical doctor and nutritionist, and the creator of the famous Dukan Diet.

In 1975, Pierre Dukan is a general practitioner in Paris when he was first confronted with a case of obesity. At the time, being overweight or obese was thought to be best treated by low calorie and small sized meals. Dukan thought of an alternative way to prevent patients from regaining their lost weight after dieting. He designed a new approach in four phases, including stabilisation and consolidation. After 20 odd years of research Pierre Dukan published his findings in 2000 in his book Je ne sais pas maigrir (I don't know how to get slimmer) which became a bestseller in France.

The book became a bestseller in the UK after Carole Middleton introduced her daughter Catherine, now The Duchess of Cambridge, to the diet before her wedding to Prince William. Catherine lost two dress sizes.

Dukan has published 19 books which have sold more than 11 million copies in 25 langages.

Source: Wikipedia


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